We give our best so as to both site´s profiting!

From the time of 1st of May 2011 on citizens of EU-countries like for example Czech Republic, Slovakia or Hungary have the possibility to work in Germany or Austria.


But even though the former restrictions or special requirements refering to foreign workers fell already, it might still be a challenge for people to find and start any work abroad.


On the other hand even for employers it is never easy to make special requests for intrested people located abroad or to get fast acess to any application documents needed.


For our agency it makes no difference wether you are just intresed to make a small request to check you chances about finding work abroad or if you are an employer in england, germany or another european country.


You may just give your name, email, your profession/abilities or your request for european workers into our system an then we will do our best for showing your possibilities to you or even leading you to any proper solution.


We provide even more services you defenetely should check out.


If you are intrested in working abroad then don´t miss to create your application documents in the language of the country you are looking for work in. You may put the data into our application forms into your own language and then it is possible to be translated for a very small amount of money if you want to stay on your own or even for free if you apply for saving your data and join our mediacy-network.